Look for Solarize HV Saugerties events throughout the campaign, including installer Open Houses, community workshops and Solarize presence at other venues. Come to a Saugerties Solarize event or sign up online (www.solarize-hudsonvalley.org) and we’ll get you an assessment of Solar potential right away. As a preferred installer for this Wave we look forward to serving the entire county, including those of you who might have been interested in prior Ulster County Solarize programs and did not get your Solar power assessment at that time. Go to the Solarize Hudson Valley site for the latest event schedule and for some great photos of the community being “Solarized”.
NYSSF is a Solar PV installation company headquartered in a sustainably restored 100-year old building in Modena, N.Y. The company recently completed the green renovation with the installation of its own 14.145 kW roof-mounted Solar system, which will ensure that our headquarters in “net-zero” in 2016. One of only twenty SunPower Master Dealers in the country, NYSSF has access to the most powerful, durable and efficient solar panels on the market at the best price. NYSSF is a growing, family-owned company that has been serving the Hudson Valley since 2008. Our goal is to “cover the Hudson Valley in Solar power”.
NYSSF specializes in high-efficiency Solar systems installed with integrity, end-to-end customer support and the best materials on the market. We offer a range of financing options that help customers of varying financial means to install Solar systems. These include lease, loan and purchase options. Look for us on the web at www.nyssf.com and on Facebook and Twitter.
Contact either Gail Beverly or Amber Keicher for more information.
SunPower by New York State Solar Farm, Inc. (NYSSF)
1938 Route 44/55
Modena, N.Y. 12548
(845) 789-4330 or (845) 256-6263
1-877-SOLAR95 (877-765-2795)